Data Management Solutions
The SpireCaptureTM system is a cutting edge fixed automatic meter reading system which integrates both wired and wireless AMR/AMI technologies. SpireCaptureTM provides a unified platform for meter reading and data management through M-Bus networks, RF wireless networks, GSM networks, GPRS networks as well as TCP/IP networks. In addition, it works seamlessly with Spire Metering's billing software to make data exchange easy, fast and reliable.
SpireCaptureTM is an advanced, highly robust meter reading solution that delivers comprehensive usage information as well as timely, high-resolution meter reading. This data enables gas, water, heat and electric utilities to eliminate on-site visits and estimated reads, reduce theft and loss, implement time-of-use billing, and profit from all of the financial and operational benefits of fixed-network AMR/AMI.
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SpireCaptureTM is based on a flexible, expandable, multi-tier architecture. It can accommodate a variety of metering networks, such as M-Bus, RF wireless, GSM/GPRS, and TCP/IP. The data center software communicates with those networks through a standardized platform, which allows you to start with a simple AMR system and gradually expand to a large metering system.
SpireCaptureTM AMR system communicates with utility meters using MBus protocol. It can also be extended to other protocols such as Modbus. This allows other brand utility meters to be integrated into the SpireCaptureTM system.