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Data Reporting and Management

Data Management Solutions

Mobile AMR/AMI – SpirePulsar™

Mobile Reading System

SpirePulsarTM mobile wireless meter reading system is based on two parts: Integration/Area Management System and Mobile Meter Reading System. Some of its advantages include:

  • Read meter using wireless handset
  • Non intrusive. No need to enter the premise>
  • Low cost. No need for AMI infrastructure investment
  • Easy data management

This data enables gas, water, heat and electric utilities to eliminate on-site visits and estimated reads, reduce theft and loss, implement time-of-use billing, and profit from all of the financial and operational benefits of fixed-network AMR/AMI.

For more information on specific systems and components, please choose from one below:

  • M-Bus AMR/AMI System
  • Wireless AMR/AMI System
  • BACnet network
  • GSM/GPRS network
  • Ethernet

Handset Reader

The handset sends a request signal to a 280X transmitter with a coded address After receives a response, it verifies and stores meter data in its large memory. It is able to manage more than 2000 meters

Transmitter (280x)

Each utility meter is connected to a 280X transmitter. It sends the pulse metering to the transmitter. Each pulse represents one unit of the utility, such as 1 kWh for BTU meters.

The 280X counts the pulse from the attached utility meter, waking up every second for 1ms to listen to the wireless channel. if it finds a request signal, it verifies the security and responds with the meter data. If it does not find a request signal, it goes into deep sleep again. The signal reaches over 200m in open space, and its battery lasts more than 6 years.


Wireless Data Logger

Wireless Data Logger
  • A key component for a fixed wireless AMR network
  • Able to manage more than 200 utility meters
  • It receives command from upper link device, such as wireless concentrator
  • If the command is a normal reading command, it fetch the data from its storage and returns the data directly
  • If the command is a real-time reading command, it sends a request to the specified 280X meter with a coded address. After receiving the return, it passes the data to the upper link device
  • The data logger also listens all the registered 280X transmitters. After receiving a valid data package, it updates the storage accordingly

Wireless Gateway

Wireless Data Logger

Connects a number of wireless data loggers to a data center server.

  • PDA based unit.
  • Meter reading outside of buildings/houses
  • Customer profile can be downloaded from computer though USB port
  • Friendly user interface. Easy to operate
  • Low cost, low maintenance
  • Flexible, applicable to various applications
  • Suitable for small town or rural area with undeveloped infrastructure
  • No wiring
  • Fast and automatic
  • Accurate meter reading on daily basis
  • Capability to implement advanced features such as leakage and tamper detection
  • Easy for move-ins / move-outs transition without the need of truck rolls for off-cycle rea