MAG888-DC Battery-Powered Magnetic Water Meter
The SpireMag series MAG888-DC flowmeter is a battery-powered high-performance magnetic water meter designed for water and wastewater industry to accurately measure the water flow in closed conduits. MAG888-DC is ideal for remote locations in municipal, irrigation, wastewater treatment and industrial liquid processes industries where no power connection is available.
- Stand alone water meter with battery lifetime for more than 4 years. Easy battery change
- Billing grade with class 0.5 accuracy
- Plug and play. No need for programming, no need for wiring
- Compact and rugged design. IP68 submersible
- Large measurement range. Bi-directional
- No moving parts to wear and tear. Maintenance free
- Short straight-pipe run requirement. Suitable for any desired installation location
- Optional GSM/GPRS wireless and turnkey data service.